Mary pottered around the house. It wasn’t much, but, she blushed, Joseph was good with his hands and they’d be able to do something with it. She walked through to the bedroom and picked up her late grandmother’s bracelet from the table.
She missed her Grandmother. She would tell her stories she heard when she was young. Amazing stories – chariots of the gods, giant arks that would sail on the seas of stars. So many things. Some were quite scary, but all stressed remembering the old days.
“Which I’ve already forgotten about,” she said to herself, clasping the bracelet on.
“MARY.” The voice spoke in the back of her head.
She spun round and saw a floating, glowing figure in the room. She screamed and fell to her knees.
“Y…yes…I’m Mary.”
“Mary. I am a spirit emissary of Galaxy Orbital Delta. I bring you a message.”
“What? A…a message?”
The figure looked down at her. “You have been chosen, Mary. Hear the message.”
It’s voice changed, this new one was kinder, more obviously male. “Mary, I present to you the Judgment of G.O.D. You have been selected because of your line to bear The One. You will bear a son which will be more than other children. He will be the child of G.O.D.”
Mary was deeply afraid. “But I have just married. I do not know if I am pregnant.”
The spirit responded “That is nothing to worry about. I shall transmit a message to you which shall carry the child you shall bear.”
The spirit then pointed into the sky and wrote figures in flames in the air.
“This shall be the child’s designation. We shall find him through this.”
Mary cried. What a blessing was bestowed upon her. “I understand and will do what is needed.”
The spirit nodded. “Mary. Watch.”
“Then what happened?” Mary had run to her friend, Elizabeth where she told her everything.
“Then it split at the middle, opening into a star. The star grew more points, and began to spin, growing and shrinking in size. At the same time it spoke in no language I have ever heard. And there was music – such noises that made me fearful. It was like it was talking to me. Then it disappeared!”
Elizabeth took Mary’s hand in hers. “Mary, you have been blessed by the Lord. You are carrying the son of God!”
“This is Galaxy Orbital Delta. You’re speaking to Dax Chr, the First.”
“Greeting Watcher Dax. This is Outreach Primary Response. The Spirit Ship has deployed. We are preparing to launch the Stealth Craft. We’ve set the date for contact at 29 years and 6 months.”
Dax rubbed his chin. “Can we make that sooner? Maybe the first contact at 29 years and then the main one six months later?”
“Amendment noted, Watcher Dax. Primary Response out.”
“Well,” Dax thought. “That seemed to go well.”